Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Employee Wellness Now More Than Ever

As more and more is expected of workers during these difficult times of layoffs and budget-crunches, maintaining good health is essential in the workplace. Without a healthy and vibrant workforce, productivity suffers, further increasing hardship on already-strained companies.

Most companies across the nation are cutting back to save money. However, the majority of our clients have realized that their employees’ health has a huge impact on their bottom line and have chosen to maintain or even ramp up their wellness programs.

We are the leading Arizona provider for on-site employee wellness and have recently announced our national expansion! The Back Rub Company provides workplace wellness programs that include seated chair massage, fitness classes and lunch & learn workshops, in addition to event and trade-show massage.

We’ve built an amazing team of experts across the country. From massage therapists to nutritionists to fitness authorities, we are truly the nation’s one-stop-shop for the best employee health and wellness services.

Even the smallest employee-incentives make a big difference. The American Journal of Health Promotions shows that for every dollar spent on wellness, employers can get up to $10 back through fewer medical claims, reduced absenteeism, improved productivity and other factors.

Smart companies understand that these programs increase their ROI, reduce worker's compensation and insurance claims and raise employee morale. We want to debunk the myth that wellness programs are expensive and only for corporate giants. Business owners quickly learn that weekly chair massage, for example, doesn't cost any more than an office lunch. These are affordable and one of the only things employees look forward to, especially when everyone is stressed, trying to stretch resources.

Businesses can never afford to have sluggish, un-productive workers, but as the crisis looms on, dynamic and healthy employees are essential to keep a company on track until things turn around.

For information about The Back Rub Company’s Workplace Wellness Programs, call 480-330-2066 or visit

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