Thursday, October 22, 2009

Health Update: Sigg Bottles Warning

Health Update: Sigg Bottles Warning
We like to keep you informed on health news. This month we bring you an article on Sigg bottles.

Going 'Green' has prompted many to buy reusable water bottles. We know that plastic bottles are unsafe due to the many carcinogens they carry, so people are turning to alternatives like stainless steel and the popular aluminum Sigg bottles.

Recent news that thousands of Sigg bottles have been lined with plastic containing BPA, a hazardous compound in plastics known to attribute to obesity, breast cancer, neurological issues and more has shocked many consumers.

The CEO of Sigg released a statement on October 1st stating that they have launched a new liner and anyone who has purchased a Sigg bottle with the old liner can exchange it for a new bottle through October 31st.

Workshop Spotlight - Soothing Soups Cooking Classes

Workshop Spotlight - Soothing Soups Cooking Classes
Cooler evenings bring the yearning for comfort food, especially after a stressful and busy day at work. Before reaching for high fat, low nutrition convenience foods, schedule one of our on-site cooking classes.

We are proud to feature Soothing Soups this Fall. Participants will earn how to prepare tasty, nutritious soups that will warm the whole family and help keep winter coughs and colds at arm's length, plus give you energy for work and life.
We conveniently bring our classes to your office or group. For more information on our on-site cooking classes please visit The Back Rub Company or contact us to schedule.

Book a Soothing Soups class through 11/30/09
and receive a FREE cookbook.