Monday, March 2, 2009

Confused by Plastic? A common question answered

The not-so recent 'green' movement has produced some hard-hitting facts about many things, including the use of plastics. The plastic food container mystery has finally been solved!

Can I still use my plastic food containers?
Yes and no. I recently cleaned out my kitchen cabinets and ended up throwing many of my containers in the recycling bin.

  • Look on the bottom of your containers. Each one has a triangular symbol with a number in it. Numbers 1, 2, 4 and 5 are safe plastics. Get rid of numbers 3, 6 and 7.

  • Remove any containers from your cabinets that are cloudy or have scratches. Those are sure signs of deterioration and hidden bacteria.

  • Make sure that if you use single-use containers, like butter tubs and yogurt cups, they are only used to store cold foods or for freezing. Do not store hot foods in these containers.

  • Get rid of any plastic you've used in the microwave. Plastics that are mocrowaved transmit chemicals from the container to your food. Gross! Use glass or ceramic to microwave meals.

Stay tuned for next month's 'green' answer to "Are plastic bags biodegradable?"

If you have a question about green living, please e-mail us and we'll include it in a future post.

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