Friday, October 3, 2008

Bad Breath? Try These Natural Cures...

Do your friends do a limbo lean every time you open your mouth?

Bad breath is caused by a variety of things - poor oral hygiene habits, spicy foods, tobacco, medication and coffee, just to name a few. We've found some natural home remedies to help combat halitosis and freshen things up.

1. Drink lots of water! You can spice is up by adding a pinch of cinnamon or anise. Peppermint tea is also great!

2. Chew fennel seeds. The licorice taste will help sweeten bad breath. You can get these at most healthy grocery stores. Carry a baggie of them and chew on two to three seeds after every meal.

3. Limit your sugar, alcohol, baked good and cheese consumption. Anything that has alot of yeast is likely to ferment in the intestinal tract. Eat lots of fresh fruit and veggies that have high water contents. Be sure to see your naturopathic doctor for other holistic remedies if your bad breath lingers.

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