Take this quiz to see how much you know about Holiday weight gain:
1 - Many Americans gain five pounds or more during the Holiday season. T F
False - most gain about one pound but it lingers through Spring and Summer
2 - Having a light protein snack before a Holiday meal can help you eat less. T F
True - going to a party hungry can cause overeating
3 - To avoid gaining weight, you have to avoid all Holiday desserts. T F
False - enjoy them, but eat small portions of high-sugar, high-fat foods
4 - Not maintaining your exercise routine during the Holidays can contribute to weight gain. T F
True - stay active to keep off the extra pounds
5 - Substituting lower-fat, lower-calorie ingredients in Holidays recipes can help prevent weight gain. T F
True - eating healthy can still be delicious
6 - Limiting alcohol intake can cut calories and help you maintain your weight. T F
True - avoiding high-calorie eggnogg is a good place to start
7 - Not standing near the buffet table at Holiday parties can help you eat less. T F
True - if it's out of reach you're less likely to graze
8 - Skipping meals helps to lose weight during the Holidays. T F
False - it's best to eat five to six small meals daily
9 - Eating slowly can help you eat less. T F
True - your tummy needs time to realize how full it is
10 - The Holiday season is a good time to try to lose weight. T F
False - doing so may not be realistic and is discouraging