Just as our physical health needs to be maintained, so does our mental health.
We all find ourselves in that 'rut' every now and then, especially during the Summer months. When it's hot, we are more likely to slow down, lose focus and drain energy. This is the time to check back in with ourselves and make sure that our current actions reflect our goals.
By implementing some successful professional wellness strategies, we can make sure we are on track and exercising our creative minds.
Suggested Reading:
Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey
How to Make Millions with Your Ideas - Dan S. Kennedy
The Science of Getting Rich - Wallace D. Wattles
The 4-Hour Workweek - Timothy Ferris
The Power of Intention - Dr. Wayne Dyer
Pick at least one book this month, read it and write down anything that resonates with you. Visualize a goal and work this month to attain it.
Here are some great Professional Wellness Workshops that The Back Rub Company brings to your workplace:
Assertive Communication for a Healthy Lifestyle
Conflict Resolution
Happiness 101
Lighten Up: The Impact of Attitude
Reverse and Eliminate the Art of Complaining
Schedule a session this month and get 20% off!
Contact us to book a workshop for your organization.
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