Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Remember - Teacher Appreciation Week is May 3rd - May 7th

Teaching is both a rewarding and stressful profession, and these remarkable professionals have the important job of educating the future of our country. Help a teacher de-stress by scheduling them a chair massage during teacher appreciation week. Details to follow soon.

World Health Day is April 7th

The theme for the World Health Organization's, World Health Day, 2010 is "1000 cities - 1000 lives." The global goals of the campaign are to open up public spaces to health, whether it be activities in parks, town hall meetings, clean-up campaigns or closing off portions of streets to motorized vehicles in 1000 cities. Plus, the aim is to collect 1000 stories of urban health champions who have taken action and had a significant impact on health in their cities.Check out to see who is registered in your city and your your city's events!

On-Site Fitness in the Spotlight

April is Physical Awareness Month.

Companies large and small are aiming to make physical fitness part of their employees' lives. Aside from the proven health benefits of exercise, fit employees can handle physical work tasks better, deal more easily with stressful situations and are less susceptible to illness and injuries.

Enroll your company for something adventurous this month like Belly Dance, Yoga, Pilate's or Zumba!

For more information and to schedule an on-site fitness class please contact The Back Rub Company at 480-330-2066.

5 Steps to a Successful Administrative Professional's Week

During the economic downturn many administrative professionals increased their workload without pay and took on more responsibility in the office.

Here are some tips to show your appreciation for your administrative employees:

  • Treat them to a chair massage. We work on-site at a time that is convenient for you and your staff. During April 19th - 23rd take 20% off for any on-site chair massage visit for your administrative staff.

  • Show them you care about their family. Southwest Center for the Martial Arts will host FREE Stranger Danger and Women's Self-Defense classes. Saturday, April 10th, 1pm-2pm, children ages 6-12 years. Sunday, April 11th, 1pm-2pm, women ages 16 and up.

  • Make 'em laugh. Show your funny side during Laugh at Work Week April 1st - 7th. Laughter releases tension, encourages creativity and contributes to effective teamwork and increased productivity. It helps employees relate to each other in the workplace.

  • Organize an appreciation breakfast or luncheon at the office.

  • Praise and recognize. Do not underestimate how important praise and recognition are as motivators.

  • Take the time to write a thank you note to your employees. Everyone likes to feel appreciated!