Happy New Year! Time for Resolutions...Right?
Start 2012 off right with the No-Excuse 30-Minute Workout! Yes, you can even do it at work.
Warm up (5-minutes) - Take a brisk walk, jump rope or slow jog.
Aerobic Exercise (10-minutes) - Choose an activity you enjoy - anything that raises your heart rate and makes you breathe harder, like walking briskly, jogging or climbing stairs. Do it at least as hard as enough that you can talk but not sing.
Strengthening (10-minutes) - Try to do each exercise eight to 12 times, then rest 30-seconds to 1-minute and do another set. Do only as many as you can while maintaining good form.
1. Squats: Stand with your back to a sturdy chair, feet shoulder-width apart. Reach forward in front of your shoulders. Bend forward slightly at the hips with your back straight. Bend your knees and lower your bottom toward the chair to a count of four until you are almost sitting. Keep your knees in line with your ankles and behind your toes. Pause. Rise to a count of two.
2. Wall push-ups: Stand facing a wall. Reach forward in front of your shoulders. The wall should be just out of reach. Lean forward slightly from your ankles with your back straight and place your palms against the wall. Bend your elbows and lower yourself to the wall to a count of four. Pause. Push up to a count of two.
3. Abdominal curls: Lie down on your back. Bend your knees and plant your feet flat on the floor, hand behind your head. Point your elbows out to the sides. Lift your chin toward the ceiling and crunch to where your shoulders and upper back come off the floor to a count of two. Pause. Lower yourself to a count of two.
Cool Down (5-minutes) - Walk slowly and then stretch gently.
Did you know that The Back Rub Company offers on-site fitness classes?
Contact us at info@thebackrubcompany.com for more information about scheduling classes for your organization.
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