Monday, April 27, 2009

Employee Health on a Shoestring Budget

We all know the current state of the economy has taken a hit on our businesses and budgets. But employee health and wellbeing shouldn't suffer because of it.

So, how can you implement some unique health and wellness initiatives at your company without breaking the bank?
  • Team Players: Employees work well in teams, encouraging each other and keeping their peers on track. Facilitate weekly group meetings where peers can set goals and share collective wisdom.
  • Exercise: Set up a lunchtime walking group. 30-minutes for lunch and a brisk walk afterwards with peers will increase circulation, burn calories and encourage friendships. If you have an extra room available at your firm, have a few exercise dvds available for employees to do before and after work, or during lunch.
  • Cook Off: Set up a fun monthly or quarterly healthy cooking challenge. Encourage employees to bring healthy dishes to share with others. Give small prizes (like yoga mats) to each winner!
  • Rub Away Aches: Set up weekly on-site chair massages for employees to sponsor/pay for themselves. Massage helps reduce pain, alleviates headaches and improves alertness.

Now is not the time to put employee wellness on hold. Keeping workers healthy and vibrant reduces insurance costs and improves your bottom line!

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