Friday, December 19, 2008

January is Personal Self Defense and Crime Stoppers Month!

I'm a huge advocate of self defense for women and I'm proud to say that my martial arts studio will be hosting a workshop here in Phoenix next month.

Don't be another evening news story:
Victim rates of violent crimes have increased throughout the valley. Without warning, a situation can turn from safe to sorry.

Women who have even the most basic self-defense skills are less likely to become a target of crime.

Your Body is More Capable Than You Think!

Staggering Statistics:
One out of every three women will be assaulted in her lifetime;
More than 2 1/2 million women in the US experience violence each year;
Only 16% of rapes are ever reported to police;
One out of seven women will be assaulted by their husbands;
One in four college women have either been assaulted or have suffered attempted rape. In a survey of college women, 38% reported sexual victimization yet only one out of every 25 reported their assault to police - 78% knew their attackers;
39% of women who have been assaulted during their lifetime had been assaulted more than once;
The United States has the highest rape rate of the countries that report such statistics - four times higher than Germany, 13 times higher than England and 20 times higher than Japan.

This no-frills workshop designed to implement basic life-saving techniques for a variety of situations. Held over a course of two days so you can retain the information, digest what you've learned and refine your skills.

For women from all walks of life. Whether you work alone in a retail store, often have to walk to a parking lot or garage unaccompanied, live by yourself or want to be assertive in a group of unfamiliar people, the tools you'll receive are practical, effective and empowering!

Learn to:
Carry yourself so you will not be a weak target;
Defend against a variety of attacks and holds;
Move and strike with great force, no matter how big your attacker is;
Defend against multiple attackers;
Gain control of any bad situation ASAP;
Escape an attack on the ground;
Use everyday items as a lethal weapon;
Get help from others as quick as possible

You will practice your skills on a live assailant, and will receive handouts of the course material.

Where & When:
Sat. Jan. 24 & Sun. Jan. 25, 2009
2 - 4:30 p.m.

Way of the Dragon Karate
15227 N. 32nd St.
Phoenix, Arizona 85032
$99 for both days or $69 for one-day
To Register:
Call 602-971-9810. Visit our website for more info.

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