You can't add hours to the day, but you can boost your energy - and what you can accomplish each day - by making healthy choices.
FUEL UP - Try this experiment: write down everything you eat and drink for a week or two. Then, look to see if you're getting enough of these energy suppliers each day:
~ 6 oz of carbs, with 3 oz from whole grains
~ 5 to 6 oz protein from meat, fish, nuts and other sources
~ 2 cups fruit and 2.5 - 3 cups of veggies.
TIP - Snacks help keep you energized throughout the day. Try baked tortilla chips and salsa, low-fat yogurt and raisins, string cheese and raw almonds.
BEAUTY SLEEP - Do you sleep two or more hours longer on your days off? You may not be getting enough sleep during the week. To improve sleep time:
~ Don't drink fluids before bedtime to avoid waking to use the bathroom
~ Create a relaxing bedtime routine like reading or listening to soothing music
~ Take a warm bath before bed
~ Avoid caffeine after the noon hour
~ Exercise in the morning or midday
~ Practice deep-breathing techniques or meditation before bed
~ Avoid watching tv or working on the computer before bedtime
TIP - Rub a few drops of lavender essential oil on the bottom of your feet to help fall asleep. Also, take all electronics out of the bedroom, including cell phones.
TIME FOR YOURSELF - Short-term stress can actually leave you feeling energized, but if you're almost always stressed or anxious, your energy levels will suffer. Schedule time (like you would an important meeting) for activities that interest you.
TIP - Enroll in a class for something you've always wanted to try, such as a new language, cooking, painting, etc.
EXERCISE FOR MORE ZIP - People who begin a program of regular exercise report feeling more energetic as their fitness level increases. Exercise also helps counteract two common energy robbers: stress and insomnia.
TIP - Find it hard to get to the gym? Enlist someone to come teach an on-site fitness class right at work!
Treat your employees to an
on-site fitness class at work! The Back Rub Company offers more than a dozen unique classes to choose from.
Contact us for more information about scheduling services for your organization.