Flowers and chocolates just don't cut it anymore. Give your beloved something unique and personal.
The Gift of
ENERGY - Job stress, family tasks and everyday life can leave your loved on feeling depleted, grabbing a cup o'
joe for a quick energy fix. Caffeine can actually contribute to persistent fatigue. Offer gifts that provide sustained energy:
Green Foods in tasty nutrition bars, smoothie mixes and supplements supply readily
absorbable B vitamins, magnesium, beta-carotene and other good stuff to support detoxification.
Instead of flowers, create a festive "bouquet" of green foods products!
Fruit and veggie juices provide a rainbow of health benefits and keep energy and immunity high.
Ditch the earrings and "pair" a compact juicer with a cookbook of fast recipes, such as The Everything Juicing Book.
Teas contain a variety of flavors and beneficial properties.
Lose the chocolates and put together a gift basket of loose leaf teas. For energy, try
yerba mate or detoxifying green tea. Check out
Souvia for more than 140 flavors!
The Gift of
RELAXATION - Getting much-needed "me" time does more than help you unwind after a long day. Research shows that meditation can increase activity of
telomerase, an enzyme that protects DNA sequences. This has been linked to a longer lifespan! Give that special someone a reminder to take time out from everyday
stressors with these natural options:
Herbal, botanical and aromatherapy remedies reduce anxiety, promote sound sleep and quell stress-related inflammation.
Squash the stuffed animal idea and shop for calming aromatic gifts like bath teas/bombs, tinctures, massage oils, misters and all-natural candles. Try lavender and chamomile to calm the nervous system or invigorating peppermint and rosemary.
Massage is the ultimate melt-away moment. The benefits are far-reaching and include relief of chronic pain, muscle tension, nerve impingement, headaches and migraines, reduced stress, decreased anxiety and depression, induced sleep and increased body awareness and self-esteem.
Do away with dinner and schedule a relaxing Couples Massage with The Back Rub Company. We can come to your home or you can join us at our Central Phoenix Wellness Center.
A good night's sleep is vital to health and well-being. When you’re getting less than the optimal six to eight hours per night, you’ll notice you’re hungrier and thirstier. Too little sleep means your body produces less rejuvenating human growth hormone (
HGH), which affects your mood and energy level. Low levels of
HGH trigger sugar cravings, as well as a desire for salty foods. Of course, all of these side effects are also signs of depression.
Can the candy and create your own handmade soothing eye pillow. Stitch two 8x5-inch rectangles of organic fabric together, leaving one end open. In a small bowl, blend
flaxseeds with chamomile and sweet basil leaf, or any other dried herb of your choice. Add the mixture to the bag and sew closed.
Valentine's Day at work:
Treat your employees this Valentine's Day with
on-site chair massage or a
wellness workshop right in the office.
Contact us for more information about scheduling services for your organization.